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1840 books found

Title Goodreads
Pages Published
4.8 114 2007
Algebra: Chapter 0 Paolo Aluffi
4.75 728 2009
The Art of Computer Programming, Volumes 1-4A Boxed Set Donald Ervin Knuth, Donald John Fuller
4.73 3168 2011
4.71 562 2015
Operating Systems: Three Easy Pieces Andrea C. Arpaci-Dusseau, Remzi H. Arpaci-Dusseau
4.69 686 2012
4.68 456 2018
Dive Into Design Patterns Alexander Shvets
4.68 406 2018
4.64 448 2019
4.63 1552 2010
Programming Rust: Fast, Safe Systems Development Leonora L.F. Tindall, Jason Orendorff, Jim Blandy
4.63 619 2015
4.62 792 2015
4.62 790 2015
The Feynman Lectures on Physics Robert B. Leighton, Matthew Sands, Richard P. Feynman
4.61 1552 1964
4.6 -na- 2021
The Book of PoC||GTFO Manul Laphroaig
4.6 788 2017
Kubernetes in Action Marko Luksa
4.6 624 2017
Handbook of Mathematics I.N. Bronshtein
4.6 1164 1976
The Nature of Computation Stephan Mertens, Cristopher Moore
4.6 1032 2011
An Introduction to Statistical Learning: with Applications in R Daniela Witten, Trevor Hastie, Gareth James, Robert Tibshirani
4.59 622 2021
An Introduction to Statistical Learning: with Applications in R Daniela Witten, Trevor Hastie, Gareth James, Robert Tibshirani
4.59 440 2013
The Nature of Code Daniel Shiffman
4.57 520 2012
4.57 512 2001
The Dream Machine M. Mitchell Waldrop
4.57 528 2018
Deep Learning with Python François Chollet
4.57 350 2017
Advanced R Hadley Wickham
4.56 604 2019
Elixir in Action Saša Jurić
4.56 351 2015
CLR via C# Jeffrey Richter
4.56 898 2006
4.56 351 2020
Advanced R Hadley Wickham
4.56 588 2019
4.56 1200 2004
Advanced R Hadley Wickham
4.56 478 2014
4.56 280 2014
4.56 224 2013
Texturing & Modeling: A Procedural Approach Ken Perlin, Darwyn Peachey, F. Kenton Musgrave, Steve Worley
4.56 688 2002
Physically Based Rendering: From Theory to Implementation Wenzel Jakob, Matt Pharr, Greg Humphreys
4.56 1266 2016
CLR via C# Jeffrey Richter
4.56 896 2012
Elixir in Action Saša Jurić
4.56 384 2015
4.56 334 2014
4.56 652 2014
4.55 768 2019
4.55 800 2017
PoC or GTFO, Volume 2 Manul Laphroaig
4.55 788 2018
4.55 319 2013
99 Bottles of OOP Katrina Owen, Sandi Metz
4.55 225 2016
4.55 96 2014
4.55 325 2005
4.55 450 2017
4.55 325 2005
4.55 768 2019
4.54 520 2016